A new project on improving the livelihoods and well-being of women and men in Uganda

A new project on improving the livelihoods and well-being of women and men in Uganda

FEED the Minds and Action for Child Social and Economic Transformation (ACSET) are implanting a new 2-year project, We Live Project 2, to improve the livelihoods and well-being of 1,000 women and 200 men in Amolatar, Uganda, through the provision of training in improved agricultural practices, income generation skills, and financial literacy. 

During the project period, project participants will be trained on kitchen gardening and agricultural skills. They will also receive quality seeds to improve their yields. Women will be trained in the production of reusable sanitary pads, clothing items, cakes, and soap, which can be sold to earn an income. 

Through this project, 7,200 people will have improved economic resilience, health, and food security. They will also have basic literacy, financial literacy, and life-skills training to support improved quality of life. 

We Live Project 2 is being implemented in Amolatar District in Northern Uganda. The specific Sub-counties are: Etam Sub-County, Awelo Sub-County, Arwotcek Sub-County, Akwon Sub-County, and Abega Sub-County in Amolatar District.

We Live Project has been designed with the challenges of persons with disabilities in mind. Suitable training approaches, physical access to training sessions and management of stigma have been considered based on previous experience. 

Where physical disabilities may restrict participation in farming, other on-farm livelihood activities such as poultry are considered.

We Live Project 2 will provide a foundation to transform the social economic status of the participants through food security, nutrition, economic resilience, and enhanced functional financial literacy skills to generate income for improved shelter, health, education and to create wealth.  

The project will help improve the social economic status of marginalised households by involving women and youth in good agricultural practices to improve food security, training and engaging in income-generating activities (small businesses), vegetable kitchen gardening to improve nutrition, training in financial literacy, life skills and village savings and loan associations (VSLA) methodology. 

The overall concept is based on the theory of change that states: ‘When women are empowered by training, especially skills that lead to the generation of income, employment or self-employment, their economic resilience is improved, and the impacts are felt by every individual residing in such a household.’

We are honoured to be working on this new project with ACSET, which works to support poverty alleviation in Uganda by focusing on agriculture and economic development, education and vocational skill development, renewable energy, clean drinking Water, and Health and Social protection. 

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