Active Oxfordshire announces success of Move Together programme

Active Oxfordshire announces success of Move Together programme

OVER three-quarters of Oxfordshire residents who took part in the physical activity programme ‘Move Together’ have made positive changes to their activity levels and lifestyle.

Active Oxfordshire revealed the findings in its Move Together impact report from 2023 and is now encouraging more Oxfordshire residents to come forward and sign up for the funded programme.

Move Together provides advice, guidance and support for people across Oxfordshire to become more active in a way that works for them. It focuses on supporting people who are living with a long-term health condition and are currently inactive, and who can benefit from moving more.

Participants are signposted to a range of options including ways to be active at home, walking football, community classes and leisure centre activities.

Funded by Oxfordshire County Council Public Health and the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board, Move Together is coordinated by Active Oxfordshire in partnership with district councils.

More than 2000 people signed up to take part in the programme last year across the county. The report found 70 per cent of participants reported significant health benefits and 60 per cent increased their physical activity levels.

Furthermore, more than nine in 10 (93 per cent) of participants would recommend Move Together to friends and family while 36 per cent of respondents noticed a decrease in GP visits and 28 per cent were less reliant on NHS 111 and out-of-hours services.

Following the success of last year’s programme, the charity is urging other Oxfordshire residents to take part and see what difference it can make to their mental and physical health.

Active Oxfordshire announces success of Move Together programme
Richard Claydon.

Richard Claydon, Head of Strategic Health Partnerships at Active Oxfordshire said:

“The success of the Move Together programme has been brilliant. The difference it has made to participants’ health and well-being is clear.

“Being active is so important for our health. Making even small changes to incorporate movement into your routine can have so many positive benefits.

“The impact Move Together has had on reducing demand for health services highlights the vital role physical activity plays in the prevention and management of long-term health conditions. Move Together is an excellent example of partnership working and we’re extremely grateful to Oxfordshire County Council Public Health, BOB Integrated Care Board and district councils for their support.”

When participants sign up to Move Together, they are given activity advice, behavioural support, and signposting to an appropriate physical activity. After three months, participants complete a review to assess the impact of the programme.

During this conversation, they are provided with support to help them sustainably continue with their activity journey.

Pete Lambert, a Move Together participant, added:

“I was recommended to Move Together through my GP because of my circumstances of feeling depressed. We had six sessions where they sent me some information about being more active and it made me feel positive.

“I would highly recommend making the most of the opportunities you get through Move Together.”

Active Oxfordshire is a charity dedicated to fighting inactivity and challenging inequality. It partners with local authorities and organisations to improve access to physical activity, break down the complex barriers that can prevent people from getting active and work through local communities to achieve lasting change.

It’s quick and easy to sign up to Move Together, and residents can sign up online, call their local district coordinator or be referred by healthcare professionals.

For further information, visit

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