Autistic illustrator shares his insight into bullying

Autistic illustrator shares his insight into bullying

PATRICK Steele-Bodger is a talented illustrator on the Autistic spectrum, with a passion for cartoon and film.

Over recent years he has been able to extend his illustrative skills in the workplace with Video2web, illustrating for companies like Ovenclean, ChipsAway, The Marist School in Sunningdale, ATS Global and Siemens.

‘Give us a Break!’ Anti Bullying Campaign

For Anna Kennedy Online’s anti-bullying campaign ‘Give Us A Break’ 2018, Patrick wanted to share his understanding and insight into bullying through his drawings.

Creating his storyboard and illustrations he tells the story of how Autistic people can be excluded, and the feelings and physical effects of being bullied.

As always with Patrick’s positive and enthusiastic nature, he finishes with an insight into the character of a bully and advice for those bullied on how to build an environment of security, inclusion and confidence around themselves.

When Patrick Steele-Bodger describes himself as a ‘Media Wikipedia’ or the “Sheldon of Media” – you know his talents are going to be far-reaching and unique! From a young age, Patrick identified and expressed himself through the characters and music he saw on the screen or in books and comics. Patrick possesses an incredible ability to recall and recreate the smallest details of screen and sound – whether it’s a split-second sound effect, voice-over character or the smallest visual detail like spotting a cameo appearance from the director, actors or celebrities.

His hobbies include drawing his favourite characters from TV shows, film and comics and producing Fan Fiction stories. Being on the autistic spectrum highlighted his ability to interpret and create characters and bring them to life. Patrick also loves music and prides himself on a keen ear for various musical artists from a variety of genres – from Louis Armstrong to Daft Punk!

Professionally – Patrick is proud to be the in-house artist for Meet The Pods, which is fast becoming an internet sensation and currently being developed into a range of toys. He also works as a Freelance Illustrator and has completed many projects with Video2Web for some well-known global blue-chip companies like Siemens. His drawing skills also come in handy on the home front! Patrick produces bespoke greeting cards for family, friends and a growing number of clients! When you ask someone their favourite word and they answer BAZINGA you know that expressing themselves is a big part of his character.

Anna Kennedy OBE Founder of the UK Autism Charity asks that you, please watch this powerful video created by Patrick:

Anna said: “It is simply unacceptable for any childhood to be spoilt by victimisation or bullying and we as a charity support taking a zero-tolerance approach towards all forms of bullying. Each day can be a battle for these children and their families, and their own fight is simply for support. Stop and Think We say NO to Bullying!”

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