BASICS General Manager Experiences Life on the Frontline with NARS

BASICS General Manager Experiences Life on the Frontline with NARS

BASICS General Manager, Gary Scott, recently joined immediate response charity Norfolk Accident Rescue Service (NARS) on a shift, experiencing life as one of the volunteers attending to serious incidents and medical emergencies in the local area.

NARS is run by doctors and paramedics who volunteer their time to enhance the level of care provided for patients who suffer serious injury or acute medical illness.

The team carries specialist equipment designed to cope with challenging emergencies, often called upon to assist in the management of the sickest patients, both at home and at the roadside.

The charity is part of the British Association of Immediate Care (BASICS), a body championing the development of immediate care and overlooking a variety of localised response schemes across the UK.

As General Manager, Gary has been increasing the support available for those schemes and joined NARS for a first-hand look at how they operate and the challenges they face daily.

Gary joined NARS on shift on Tuesday 25th September, heading out with Ryan Warwick and Al Moore to attend a variety of incidents, impressed by their dedication to working hard to improve patient outcomes. 

Gary said: “It was a privilege to spend the day with the NARS team and witness first-hand the contribution that they, and other BASICS schemes, make to the delivery of high-quality immediate care services. What’s even more impressive is that this is all done a voluntary basis and funded by the generosity of local people.”

Jamie Crawford, Compliance and Media Lead at NARS, added; “It was fantastic to have Gary join the team for a shift on our new multifunctional vehicle. We are proud to be part of BASICS and look forward to potential exciting projects ahead.”

Founded in 1970, NARS is a rapidly developing specialist pre-hospital care charity comprised of volunteer Doctors, Paramedics and Nurses who provide enhanced and critical care support to the people of Norfolk working alongside our East of England Ambulance Trust colleagues for the past 48 years.

For more information on NARS, please visit:

For more information on BASICS, please visit:

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