Beat the Cyber Men, with Talkback’s FREE video training resource

Beat the Cyber Men, with Talkback’s FREE video training resource

TALKBACK is excited to introduce three innovative training videos, aimed at people with learning disabilities or autism.

They cover what to do in the event of Cyber Bullying or Cyber Fraud, and how to protect personal details with Cyber Security.

All three videos feature the outstanding acting skills of Talkback members with learning disabilities or autism, and the stories are told from their perspectives.

The videos are accompanied by easy to follow, step-by-step booklets for the person providing the training. 

Who is the training designed for?

Autistic people and those with learning disabilities have as much right as anyone else to use the internet. However, alongside the many benefits to using the internet, there are also a number of risks. Because with access to technology comes the potential for cyberbullying, online grooming and risk of exposure to inappropriate content. Of course, this is a risk for all people using the internet, but the risk can be more profound for autistic people and those with a learning disability. They may have increased vulnerability, tendencies towards obsessive compulsive behaviour and social naivety, for instance. And we want to help ensure that they stay as safe online as possible.

Learning Objectives:

Cyber Bullying

  • To understand the risks involved with talking to strangers on the internet. 
  • To be aware of the dangers involved with sending and receiving personal photos to/from strangers. 
  • To understand what Cyber Bullying is and to take steps to avoid being a victim of it.

Cyber Fraud

  • To understand what is meant by the term ‘Fraud’ and how fraud can be committed.
  • To understand steps that can be taken by individuals to keep their money safe.
  • For an individual to know what to do if they suspect they may have been a victim of fraud.

Cyber Security

  • To understand the importance of keeping personal details private, especially those related to banking.
  • To understand what Cyber Security means, and steps they can take to keep their personal information safe when using the internet.

It’s a powerful way to get the message across, but don’t take our word for it. Harry, one of the stars featured in the videos, said: 

“The things I found useful were if people ask me manipulative questions about passwords or bank account number not to give them these details, because people might be taking advantage of me. If anyone tries to get this information from me, I need to tell my parents. Also if I had a Facebook message, email or text message from a scam or from anyone I don’t know, I need to tell my parents. This training will help me to keep safe and build up my confidence.”

You can find out more and access this FREE educational resource here.

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