Calling all UK schoolchildren – put your thinking caps on for Barnardo’s fundraising Hat Day!
Calling all UK schoolchildren – put your thinking caps on for Barnardo’s fundraising Hat Day!
Barnardo’s is asking teachers, child carers, parents and pupils to sign up for Hat Day and wear a fun hat to raise money to support the UK’s most vulnerable children.
The charity’s fundraising Hat Day celebrated on Friday 18 May, encourages children to wear or make a hat signifying who or what they would like to be or do when they grow up.
It could be a firefighter, police officer, chef, astronaut, medic or sportsperson. There are no rules or limits to the imagination – they may want to be a wizard or superhero!
If a child does not know what they want to be they can decorate their hat with something they are passionate about such as a sport, graffiti art, dancing shoes, or musical instrument.
The idea behind the fun is to raise money for the UK’s leading children’s charity to help give young carers, care leavers, foster children and others a better future. When they go into school, playgroup or children’s centre on May 18, parents and carers can make a voluntary donation of £1 to £2 to Barnardo’s.
Barnardo’s Chief Executive, Javed Khan said:
“Children are full of surprises and this is a fun way of allowing their imaginations to run wild in a way that will be inspiring, educational and raise money to help transform the lives of children who desperately need our support.
“It’s easy to sign up on our website where you’ll find lots of resources and ideas to ensure your fundraising Hat Day will be a huge success and help some of the UK’s most vulnerable children.”
To register visit Here you’ll find everything you need to make the event a success at your school, nursery, playgroup or children’s centre. The resources section has school posters, sample letters for parents and hat-making guides.
To help with ideas, Barnardo’s is launching a separate ‘Top Hat’ competition for teachers/parents for best hat in the run up to Hat Day, with a poll to decide the winner on the Barnardo’s Community Fundraising facebook page.
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- April 25, 2018
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