Charity Winter Warmth Appeal helped support over 120 older people
Charity Winter Warmth Appeal helped support over 120 older people
THIS winter has been extremely tough for many older people with added pressures due to the cost-of-living crisis. However, thanks to the kind donations Friends of the Elderly received as part of its Winter Warmth Appeal, the charity has been able to help and support over 120 older people through its grant-giving service.
Thanks to the generosity of all those who donated to the Appeal, Friends of the Elderly has been able to help 92 older people with their heating bills, given grants to 20 recipients to buy new warm bedding and awarded grants for 16 carpets to be fitted. In addition, the charity has been able to award grants to cover the cost of boiler repairs and purchase new cookers, so recipients are able to cook and enjoy hot meals.
Talking about the results of the charity’s 2022 Winter Warm Appeal, Friends of the Elderly’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Wilson said:
“We have all seen the cost of living crisis worsen this year, with energy bills going through the roof, food prices on the rise and general day-to-day expenses on a steep upward climb. Friends of the Elderly received an increase in the number of older people applying for our grants, all expressing their individual worries, anxieties and fears about how they were going to keep warm, eat and feel secure through the winter months. In some cases, we were literally their last hope of support, there was nowhere else for them to go.
“One example of the many older people we have supported through our Appeal is Prue, a retired 70-year-old Midwife.”
Prior to receiving a grant from Friends of the Elderly, Prue’s stress and anxiety regarding her utility bills was crippling – crippling not only her financial welfare but also her physical safety as the lack of heating within her home was exacerbating her painful arthritis.
Prue said:
“At the lowest point, it was very, very stressful as I could not pay my utility bills.
“My arthritis can really confine my daily activities as I’m not able to stand for very long. A warm house helps ease my arthritic pain. I also need to have hot soaks in the bath as it relieves my stiffness and pain in some short measure.
“The grant eased my worries and anxiety. I am so grateful. The heating is on and I don’t have to wake up in a freezing cold bedroom and house and suffer the nasty, cold morning arthritis pains.”
Mark concluded:
“Helping older people like Prue is at the heart of our Winter Warmth Appeal, it’s imperative that we support older people to keep warm, comfortable, and safe. That is why our Appeal is extremely important as it helps us to support and make a positive difference to many older people.
“On behalf of Friends of the Elderly, I would like to send a big Thank You to everybody who donated to our Winter Appeal, especially in these difficult times. Every penny we received has been match-funded by The Edward Gostling Foundation, which has gone towards making sure older people do not feel cold or overlooked this winter.”
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- April 27, 2023
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