Cut backs on smoking quitting services are flouting the principles of the NHS, says charity

Cut backs on smoking quitting services are flouting the principles of the NHS, says charity

The British Lung Foundation claims Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are “prioritising saving money over saving lives and flouting the basic principles of the NHS” by cutting back on quitting services and treatment.

Speaking in an ITV Report Alison Cook, director of policy at the British Lung Foundation, said all smokers should be able to expect their GP to provide access to stop smoking medication, either by prescribing themselves or by referral to a specialist service.

She added: “People who smoke are likely to be high users of NHS services.

“Decommissioning the prescribing of stop smoking aids will only achieve short-term savings.

“Worryingly, it will shore up a greater burden on the NHS in the long run in terms of hospital admissions and the impact on already stretched A&E services. The decisions are foolhardy and must be reversed.

“It’s obvious cost pressures in local authorities are due to cuts from central Government and the main reason these vital services are vanishing.

“Nice (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidance is clear that all smokers should have access to specialist services where they can receive clinically-effective support based on their own needs and preferences.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokeswoman said: “There are now fewer smokers in this country than ever before thanks to our bold and effective plans, including standardising packaging for cigarettes and covering up tobacco products in shops.

“However 78,000 people still die from smoking in England each year, which is why we recently launched a new Tobacco Control Plan and will give councils £16 billion to provide public health services for their communities.”

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