Ensuring Every Child’s Right to Play: Global Efforts by Right To Play

Ensuring Every Child’s Right to Play: Global Efforts by Right To Play

GLOBAL development charity Right To Play has called for every child to be able to access the critical benefits of play. 

Children’s right to play is a fundamental human right, enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and play is vitally important for children’s learning, development and well-being. However, millions of children globally do not have the opportunity to play and claim this basic right due to the impact of poverty, conflict, displacement and other extreme challenges. 

International Day of Play has been celebrated globally recently. It was officially adopted by the United Nations in March 2024, with 140 countries as co-sponsors, following months of campaigning by Right To Play and a coalition of organisations.

London-based Right To Play – which uses play to transform the lives of millions of vulnerable children in some of the most difficult places on earth – has been highlighting the essential role of play and the need for global action to ensure that no child is denied this fundamental right.  

Gillian McMahon, Executive Director of Right To Play UK, said: 

“We were excited to celebrate International Day of Play, which puts the spotlight on the transformational benefits of play at a global level and helps ensure that children around the world can claim this basic right. In the countries where Right To Play works, the power of play is having a life-changing impact on vulnerable children, equipping them with the critical life skills to overcome challenges and helping them to cope with trauma and get back to learning. Ultimately, play is empowering children to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. Through international recognition of the vital importance of play and this new global platform, we can work to ensure that no child is denied the fundamental right to play.”  

Ade Adepitan, Ambassador for Right To Play UK, said: 

“Play is a powerful force in children’s lives and is absolutely essential to their development and well-being. However, so many children around the world face extreme challenges and are deprived of this basic right. This new annual day devoted to play will raise awareness about the massive benefits of play and help ensure that no child is left out.

“I’m proud to be an Ambassador for Right To Play, who are working tirelessly to make sure vulnerable children globally can access play and enjoy a better future.”  

Konnie Huq, Presenter and writer, said: 

“Too many children across the world are forced to grow up far too quickly. Poverty, child labour and exploitation mean that many are robbed of their childhoods altogether. This is why it’s important to show support for Right To Play’s life-changing work. By harnessing play, this fantastic charity is helping vulnerable children to build confidence, develop critical life skills and enjoy a better tomorrow.” 

As the global experts on play, Right To Play is an organisation that protects, educates and empowers children to rise above adversity through play – reaching more than 5 million vulnerable children in 2023. Founded in 2000, the charity uses play-based learning and psychosocial support to help vulnerable children affected by war, disease, climate change, violence, poverty, inequality, prejudice and exploitation. Working in 14 countries across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Right To Play is the leading global development organisation focused on using the power of play to transform children’s lives. 

To find out more about International Day of Play and how Right To Play is supporting vulnerable children through play, please visit: https://righttoplay.org.uk/en-gb/national-offices/national-office-uk/whats-new/celebrating-the-international-day-of-play/. 

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