Fundraising Regulator writes for Charity Today: 5 reasons to join the conversation on the Fundraising Code

Fundraising Regulator writes for Charity Today: 5 reasons to join the conversation on the Fundraising Code

Stephen Service, the Fundraising Regulator’s Policy Manager writes

The Fundraising Regulator is undertaking a review of the presentation, format, clarity and accessibility of its Code of Fundraising Practice, the standards that apply to charitable fundraising across the UK. Unlike previous Code changes, this is the first time we’ve focused on how the code is used rather than what it says. So, if there was ever a time to get to know the Code of Fundraising Practice and tell us your views, it’s now.

Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to have a Code which is accessible to all:

1. Promote a consistent, high standard of fundraising

When poor practice occurs in one charity it can quickly affect the reputation of the sector as a whole.

Every fundraiser has a different approach, but when it comes to engaging with the public, there are some basic standards all donors should be able to expect. That includes giving people all the information they need to make a decision to donate and respecting the wishes of those who don’t wish to give.  The Code is written with fundraisers for fundraisers and it ensures no matter how you do it, there is a unified approach to practice. 

2. Know the rules

No charity wants to be caught out because they didn’t know the law or the professional standards expected of them. The Code is a key way that fundraisers understand those responsibilities, so it needs to be easy to read and focus on what is important.

3. A Fundraising Regulator which is transparent about the way it works

We are regularly called to investigate complaints against fundraisers where these can’t be resolved by the charity directly. Sometimes that means calling charities out where they get it wrong. And whether or not you agree with our decisions, it should be clear why we’ve made them. The Code needs to be easy to apply in practice because it is the basis for the decisions we make on whether a complaint is upheld.

4. Provide a benchmark for organisations and fundraisers to assess their practices and identify training, monitoring and policy priorities for their fundraising

Too often charities focus on the negative aspects of the Code, as a list of “thou shalt nots” that should not be breached. But we’ve also seen examples of charities using the Code as a positive tool for improvement, to audit their fundraising practices and make sure they are as good as they can be. Using the Code to identify where the gaps are can be the beginning of a conversation on training and development needs to help fundraisers excel.

5. Foster a culture of honesty, openness and respect between fundraisers and the public

The vast majority of the public recognises the importance of the work that charities do. However, when a problem occurs, they want to be sure that the charity holds themselves accountable and takes complaints seriously. The Code is a way of showing how charities apply their values in practice.

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