‘Ground-breaking’ £10 million fund aims to reduce suicides

‘Ground-breaking’ £10 million fund aims to reduce suicides

LONDON’S biggest independent charity funder has launched a ground-breaking suicide prevention programme with £10 million on offer to organisations in the capital.

City Bridge Foundation has allocated £4.2 million offering seven-year grants to four strategic partnerships to tackle systemic issues around suicide prevention.

Meanwhile, £5.8 million in five-year core funding grants will go to community projects reducing isolation and boosting community connection for those most at risk.

The foundation hopes it will drive down the shocking statistic that 10 people in the capital take their own life every week, and work towards making London a zero suicide city.

'Ground-breaking' £10 million fund aims to reduce suicides
City Bridge Trust Chairman Giles Shilson.

Giles Shilson, City Bridge Foundation chairman, said:

“Every life lost to suicide is a human tragedy, many of which can be avoided with the right support and early intervention. It’s a complex issue and one that requires strategic, coordinated action.

“As far as we’re aware, this is the only programme of its scale and breadth in the country, funding both strategic suicide prevention projects and grassroots programmes.

“We hope it will have a significant impact in tackling societal issues that hinder suicide prevention and providing the early help people need before they reach crisis point.”

The programme was devised with input from an advisory group of people who’ve experienced suicidal ideation or bereavement through suicide, and following in-depth research into existing programmes and consultation with key stakeholders.

The grassroots funding, open for applications now, is aimed at reaching at-risk individuals who might otherwise slip through the net, particularly middle-aged men experiencing deprivation and people at key moments of change such as pregnancy, leaving care or leaving prison.

The strategic funding, applications for which open in June, is available for existing or new partnerships, with priorities for funding including embedding lived experience in suicide prevention schemes, workforce support and improving access to data.

Organisations which successfully apply for funding will also get suicide prevention training and be supported by a learning partner who will gather and share learning in the sector.

People can find more information and apply for funding for grassroots projects online at: www.citybridgefoundation.org.uk/making-london-more-liveable and find more information about strategic funding at www.citybridgefoundation.org.uk/strategic-partnership-funding.

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