River Trust Celebrates 20 Years of Protecting the Tyne

River Trust Celebrates 20 Years of Protecting the Tyne

As Tyne Rivers Trust celebrates its 20th anniversary, the team at the Trust are asking people in the North East, what the River Tyne means to them.

Tyne Rivers Trust, a unique charity specialising in restoring, improving and protecting the rivers, lakes, ponds and streams of the Tyne catchment, was established in the same year that X Factor first came onto our screens, Facebook was launched and a first-class stamp cost just 28p.

Dr Ceri Gibson, chief executive of Tyne Rivers Trust said:

“The Trust was set up in 2004 to mitigate the construction of the second Tyne tunnel owing to concerns about the impact of disturbing contaminated sediment on migratory fish. However, it was quickly recognised that there was much more that could be done to protect our rivers and ensure they thrive for future generations.

“We know that it’s not just us who care about the Tyne. The river has shaped the region’s character for centuries and is iconic for many people. It is used for activities like boat trips, fishing and riverside walks while continuing to be important for businesses and industries. So we’d love people from local communities and businesses, to share their memories, stories and images with us so that we can capture what the Tyne means to you.”

During the 20 years, the Trust has worked on projects to support fish migration, reduce pollution from the legacy of metal mining, reduce the risks of flooding, reduce riverbank erosion, support wildlife recovery, monitor river health and improve water quality everywhere but particularly in urban areas such as the Ouse Burn. The Trust also works to inspire people about the wonders of our rivers by working with schools, volunteers and communities to deliver fun learning activities, practical conservation tasks, workshops and guided walks.

Dr Gibson continued:

“Our rivers, wildlife and biodiversity face many serious challenges such as the effects of climate change, the legacy of heavy industry in the North East and the continued actions of us humans who are the main cause of pollution.

”However, we know that many people feel deeply connected to the Tyne Rivers and to the conservation of these beautiful, diverse habitats. I know my wellbeing is improved when swimming in the refreshingly cold water of the South Tyne, or walking through the dappled light falling on the delicate plants of a riverside woodland.  Therefore, as part of the 20th anniversary celebrations, we are keen to hear from anyone about what the Tyne means to them by sharing stories and photographs on social media using the hashtag #MyTyne, or by contacting us via our website.”

To find out more about the work of Tyne Rivers Trust, please visit: www.tyneriverstrust.org.

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