THE SREEPUR VILLAGE: Turning over a new leaf….

THE SREEPUR VILLAGE: Turning over a new leaf….

Ripa is in grade two at The Sreepur Village School and she said,

“For me, a library is a place where books are kept for reading, it’s a storehouse of books and is part and parcel of a school. The school library is very peaceful and there are many books to choose from. I have read around 70 books in this library and my favourite is The Beneficial Egret. I believe I can learn many things from my school library which will also help me in later life. I can learn about other countries which will help to change my perception of the world. I think having a library can help to grow my mind. When I feel sad, I visit the library and quietly read a book. I am able to read many stories which I often re-tell to my mother. I love my school library because it makes me happy.”

Lota Banu enrolled in literacy classes at The Sreepur Village and she told us that these classes were life-saving because she has been able to learn many new things such as counting, reading, writing and other essential things needed in everyday life. “I think the literacy classes are important for enabling independence. Now I can read and write and I feel proud of myself. My father was a farmer which was why I never went to school during my childhood, but now I am in literacy school I think education will change my life.”

Having heard how learning and reading have had a positive influence on Ripa and Lota’s lives, we wanted to share with you the impact this has on our teachers’ lives.

Mohim, a teacher in The Sreepur Village school, said,

“Currently, I have 26 children in my class, but a new child can be enrolled at any time. Teaching vulnerable and destitute children is a completely new experience for me. They have their distinct behavioural traits which are completely different to others. I like to understand their past so I can help them in preparing for their future. I am really grateful for this job as a teacher because it has brought me so much experience.”

Mohim also explained, “when I joined The Sreepur Village, I found myself in a very tough situation and to be honest I didn’t expect to find the students so damaged, often using excessive anger and aggression as a defence mechanism. Each and every student has its own sorrowful memory of deprivation, abuse and loneliness, all of which are responsible for their strong behaviours. The supreme challenge I have is to ensure that these students have a very good learning environment.

Being a teacher means many things, for me, it’s taking their past lives into consideration and focusing on their behaviour and social mannerisms so that they can learn the necessary skills and knowledge that will lead them to be confident individuals where they get to choose a life without poverty or fear.”

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