The Workforce Development Trust backs Better Business Act campaign

The Workforce Development Trust backs Better Business Act campaign

REGISTERED charity The Workforce Development Trust has joined the Better Business Coalition – a group of 2,000 UK businesses seeking a change in the law to ensure that businesses act in the best interests of the environment and wider society.

The group’s flagship campaign – the Better Business Act – calls for an amendment to Section 172 of the Companies Act which compels company directors to act in the best interests of their shareholders.

The change proposed by the group will see this expanded to include a range of stakeholders such as local communities and marginalised groups in society.

The Workforce Development Trust is the parent organisation of Skills for Health, Skills for Justice, SFJ Awards and People 1st International.

Its primary purpose is to support the public sector to deliver better frontline services through specialist skills and organisational development initiatives.

With a defined social purpose at its core, signing up for the Better Business Act is a natural move says The Workforce Development Trust Chief Executive John Rogers:

“The Workforce Development Trust is deeply committed to making the world a better place through skills development that supports the delivery of vital frontline public services.

“Our commitment to this purpose is reflected voluntarily in our corporate governance and articles of association.

“Having operated as a not-for-profit since our inception we know the value of putting social value before profits, which is why we are proud to support this campaign and help to encourage other organisations to harness business as a power for good.”

Led by Mary Portas, the Better Business Act is backed by 77% of UK adults. A survey of members of the Institutes of Directors also revealed that an overwhelming majority agree with the legislative changes that the group proposes.

In signing up for the Better Business campaign, The Workforce Development Trust joins the likes of innocent drinks in calling for a change in the law to improve the way companies in the UK do business.

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